Saturday, August 18, 2012

Obama's America 2016

 Dinesh D'Sousa, President of King's College in New York City, attempts to explain who Barack Obama is. He digs down into the roots of Obama's heritage and taps upon the evolution of Obama's philosophy. D'Sousa also presents the psychological mind of America, its purpose of why Obama was elected in the first place.

The movie is based upon the book Dreams From My Father (authored by Barack Obama in 1995), interviews with various close associations of Barack, his mother Ann Dunham, and his father Barack Obama Sr. and other family relatives, as well as the results pulled from the research of Obama's actions and decisions made as President of the United States.


Dinesh D'Souza: Interviewing George Obama in Nairobi, Kenya

Obama's America 2016, can be found playing across the United States listed here: