Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Modern Eugenicist Margaret Sanger

 In September, 1957, Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, had an interview with journalist Mike Wallace. Mike Wallace is most recognized as the TV host of CBS' 60 Minutes, which lasted 37 years. In the interview she expressed her opinion that the greatest sin was to birth a baby if it was disabled or deformed.

"Margaret Higgins Sanger, September 14, 1879 – September 6, 1966, was an American birth control activist,sex educator and nurse. Sanger coined the term birth control, opened the first birth control clinic in the United States, and established Planned Parenthood. Sanger's efforts contributed to the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case which legalized contraception in the United States. Sanger is a frequent target of criticism by opponents of birth control and has also been criticized for supporting eugenics, but remains an iconic figure in the American reproductive rights movement." *1

 When considering the HHS Mandate coming through from  U.S. President Obama, it is surprising to notice that this mandate not only attacks the Catholic Church, trying to remove its rights of Religious Freedom, but that Margaret Sanger actually spoke about this in her 1957 interview. I'm assuming this idea has been around for a while.

The Tax issue involving the Catholic Church is found at 0:13 seconds.

Margaret Sanger's television interview with Mike Wallace, September 21st, 1957

It is also interesting to note, that Margaret Sanger's opinion that bringing children into the world that are "marred or marked" at birth with disease from their parents, or who grow up to be delinquents or prisoners, who live a "somewhat as a human", is the greatest sin a person could commit.
Please Fast Forward the link above to 2:40 minutes.  Isn't this what Hitler believed too? It was rumored that Sanger supported Hitler's Eugenics, but she denied it, but the words she uses in this taped interview only supports the idea that she supported Eugenics, whether she was aware of it or not. She believes it is the greatest sin to allow a disable child to live, and viewed them as somewhat human.

Delving into the work of Margaret Sanger,  it seems as though, Sanger tried to seek support for her efforts in places where population control might have been greatly desired. Her quest took her to one of the most populated countries in the world, India. The Birth Control Feminist met with Mahatma Gandhi. Interestingly, Gandhi did not speak with Sanger on the first day of their meeting.

                                        Margaret Sanger visiting with Mahatma Gandhi, December 1935

It was a day of silence for him and they met with him giving Margaret a generous smile. Although Gandhi lived in a country of great poverty and suffering, he did not agree with the views of Sanger.

 “We went directly to his place and met, although this is his day of silence. He rose to greet me, smiling from ear to ear. I put down my bag and gloves and flowers and magazines inorder to take both his hands. He has an unusual light that shines in his face; that shines through the flesh; that circles around his head and neck like a mist with white sails of a ship coming through. It lasted only a few seconds, but it is there. When I looked again it was only the shiny appearance of his flesh that I saw but always the smile and a hospitable welcome.”

Upon the next meeting, the conversation about Contraceptives commenced.

Sanger: "Women’s lack of control over fecundity results in overpopulation, in poverty, misery and war. Should women control this force which has made so much trouble in their lives? Do you see any practical solution for this problem, which in my humble opinion is the direct cause of much of the chaos in the world today?"

Gandhi: "if I can drive home to women’s minds the truth that they are free, we will have no birth control problem in India. If they will only earn to say “no” to their husbands when they approach them carnally! ... The real problem is that they do not want to resist them."

"My fundamental position is that so far as the women of India are concerned, even if the method you advocate were a solution, it is a long way off, for the women of India have so many things to think of now. Don't tell me of the educated girl of India. She will be your slave, much to her damage, I'm afraid."*2

Sanager: ""
MR. GANDHI: Yes it is. But when both want to satisfy animal passion without having to suffer the consequences of their act, it is not love. It is lust. But if love is pure it will transcend animal passion and will regulate itself. We have not had enough education of the passions. When a husband says, "Let us not have children but have relations," what is that but animal passion? If they do not want to have any more children, they should simply refuse to unite.
MRS. SANGER: Then you hold that all sex union is lust except that for the specific purpose of having children?
MRS. SANGER: I think that is a weak position, Mr. Gandhi. The act is the same. The force that brings two people together is sex attraction a biological urge which finds expression in sex union. There are two kinds of passion, one is a force around which centers respect, consideration and reverence known as love. The [latter] kind may be the stepladder to God. I do not call that kind of love lust, even when it finds expression in sex union, with or without children.
MR. GANDHI: I think there is a flaw in that position and the world will not have to wait long before it discovers it."

Following in the School of Margaret Sanger is Kermit Gosnell. Gosnell is now in the eyes of the media.  Being numb to Gosnell's atrocious acts against mankind, the media was slow to report these atrocities to the world. When the media finally came around,  the focus on Kermit Gosnell and his murderous acts, has brought  a light sense of hope that perhaps one or even America on the whole might begin to wake up and see where Margaret Sanger's flawed idea has lead us.

 It has certainly not lead us down a road to a flowery garden of peace, happiness and freedom, but down a road filled with horror, death and enslavement. Yes, there are many stories of mothers who have regretted their abortion, and who are now enslaved to their grief.  The prophesized words of Jesus on His way of the Cross strikes the heart of us now: "For the time will come when you will say, 'Blessed are the childless women, the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed!" Luke 23:29. 

In this month of May, when the world seems to come back to life, may the Mother of all Life, the Mother of Jesus, intercede for us and shower us with all the Graces she embodies in Her Immaculate Heart, together with Her Son, Jesus' Mercy, for the conversion and healing of all hearts to His True Peace, His True Happiness and to His True Freedom. Amen.

*1 Wikipedia
*2 Margaret Sanger Paper Project: "Gandhi and Sanger Debate Love, Lust and Birth Control,#23, Winter 1999/2000

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